Title: Wild flowers (Root Cutting Remix) Fandom: Harry Potter Characters/Pairings: Neville, Augusta, OC Summary: Flowers bloom, and children grow up. Title, Author and URL of original story: Summer Roses by msmoocow Notes: Much love to redcandle17 for the emergency beta work ♥
Title: ...killed the cat Fandom:Harry Potter / Tokyo Babylon crossover Characters/Pairing: Seishirou, Remus/Severus Length: 466 words for bronze_ribbons prompt of "way to kill a cat"
Provide a character/characters and I will Sort them into a Hogwarts House. I'll also try to explain why and maybe talk about their ~adventures~ at Hogwarts.
Howdy. My first official day of unemployment started with realising the internet wasn't working at home x_x happily, the thing got rectified this evening
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